Basic Upgrade to Premium

Special offer to existing users of WP Nearby Places basic version:
If you are satisfied with our basic free version of WP Nearby Places, you're going to LOVE our premium version, which is packed with exciting features to make your WPNBP maps much more usable for your viewers.
WP Nearby Places Premium features include:
- All the features of Basic, plus many extra advantages.
- Google Ratings for places found nearby, especially useful when needing to find a good restaurant close by.
- Display up to 3 of your base locations on a single map.
- Featured Neighbors -allows you to show locations of special places in your area.
- Unlimited Map Creation – Ability to add and manage as many WPNBP maps as you desire.
- Ability to choose your map sidebar and font colors.
- List-View included with Grid-View.
- Custom icon-set for map markers.
- Access to our Members Area where there are instructional videos and materials to help you successfully install and use this plugin.
- License to install on one WordPress site only. An unlimited license is also available.
- Unlimited options to add dynamic shortcodes.
Use the coupon code shown below on the checkout page to receive this special discounted price.